Within the frames of the Congress, there will be held “round tables”, conferences and symposia – “Pediatric cardiology and cardiac surgery”, “Neonatal cardiac surgery”, “ Surgical treatment of pulmonary hypertension”, “Acquired heart defects”, “Coronary artery disease”, “Arrhythmology”, “Cardiology and imaging in cardiac surgery”, “Cardiac anesthesiology and cardiac critical care”, “Extracorporeal circulation”, “Transplantation in cardiovascular surgery”, “Phlebology and lymphology” organized by the sections of Russian Association of Cardiovascular surgeons:
«Phlebology and lymphology» (abstracts are accepted only via the website):
– Conference «Venous and lymphatic complications after cardiovascular surgery»
«Pediatric cardiology and cardiac surgery» and «Neonatal cardiac surgery» (abstracts are accepted only via the website):
– Round table «Actual issues of surgical treatment for CHD with a left ventricular outflow tract obstruction»
«Neonatal cardiac surgery»:
– Master-classes:
«Correction of mitral insufficiency at CHD»
«Correction of aortic insufficiency at CHD»
«Extracorporeal circulation» – (abstracts are accepted only via the website):
– Round table «Problems of cannulation»
«Coronary artery disease»:
– Conference «Actual problems of coronary surgery: origins and prospects» (dedicated to the memory of professor V. S. Rabotnikov, the founder of CHD surgery in our country)
«Acquired heart defects» and «Cardiology and imaging in cardiac surgery» – (abstracts are accepted only via the website):
– Conference «Aortic defects with or without aneurism of the ascending aorta – possibilities of reconstructive surgery»
– Symposium «Active endocarditis of heart valves – modern therapeutic and surgical views»