Surgery for peripheral vascular disease

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Z.Mitrev1, T.Anguseva1, E.Stoicovski1, N.Hristov1, I.Milev1, A.Matvejcuk2

1Special Hospital for Surgery Fillip II; 2MORF 3 CVKG im.A.A.Vishnevskogo (Krasnogorsk, Russia);

Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) is a nearly pandemic condition that has the potential to cause loss of limb or even loss of life. PVD manifests as insufficient tissue perfusion initiated by existing atherosclerosis acutely compounded by either emboli or thrombi. Many people live daily with significant degrees of peripheral vascular disease; however, in settings such as acute limb ischemia, this latent disease can suddenly become life threatening and require emergency intervention to minimize morbidity and mortality.

During last 7 years 2350 pts with periferial vascular disease had been operated in our hospital. All patients had been estimated by peripheral color Doppler examination, which had been confirmed by CT scan.

250 (10,6%) had been emergencies due to acute embolisation or 58 (2,5%) Syndrome Le Riche . 1235 (52,5%) were with lower limb ischemia ,Fontan Gr III/IV. 1100 (46,8%) had been bypassed by vascular grafts, 1250 (53,2%) had been bypassed by autoloues vein. Only 45 (1,9%) had been amputated due to severe gangrene.

surgery remains an important component in the armamentarium for treating patients with advanced vascular disease. Surgical revascularization is indicated in patients with acceptable surgical risk who require a more durable repair

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